Established and Beautiful

The summer months have flew by and now…tada…here comes fall. Summer has been eventful for Scenic Escapes Travel. We kicked off the summer with a trip to Nassau, Bahamas, then celebrated Independence Day by taking a trip to the Grand Canyon, spent a weekend with our granddaughters hanging out at Six Flags Over Texas and enjoying the 2019 version of The Lion King, and recently returned from a trip to Memphis, Tennessee. Whew…if that wasn’t enough, we will end the summer celebrating my birthday with a trip to Spain this week.

Our weekend stay in Memphis was filled with history, culture, reflection and laughter. So much history in Memphis, we really did not do it justice with only a three day visit. And, I will definitely not do it with this write up.

We entered the city of Memphis at the perfect time and was able to enjoy the lighting on the Hernando de Soto Bridge connecting Tennessee and Arkansas.

Traveling from Arkansas to Tennessee on the Hernando de Soto bridge


A Tour of Possibilities

Our first foray into the culture of Memphis was an enlightening driving tour conducted by our energetic and knowledgeable guide, Jackie Murray. The tour showcased contributions made by African Americans on Memphis' business, music, sports, politics, education and religion. We were introduced to many historical and cultural gems including the National Civil Rights Museum/Lorraine Motel/site of the assassination of Dr. King, Slave Haven/Underground Railroad Museum, Mason Temple/site where Dr. King gave his famous and last speech "I've Been to the Mountain Top" and Historic Beale Street. We were entertained by stories of:

  • Tom Lee – Although he could not swim, Mr. Lee witnessed the capsizing of a steamboat in the Mississippi River and rescued 32 people. The city park, located west of downtown Memphis, overlooking the Mississippi River is named after him (Tom Lee Park).

  • Front Street – By the 20th century, Memphis was the largest inland cotton market in the world, which led to the development of Front Street – the first city street above the riverfront. Front Street became the heart of the cotton trade, the center of the Memphis economy for more than a hundred years, and the street earned its nickname “Cotton Row”.

  • Memphis Pyramid – The structure of the pyramid plays on the city’s namesake in Egypt. Opened in 1991, the structure was the home court for the NBA Memphis Grizzlies until the team moved to the FedExForum in 2004. In 2015, the building was re-fitted as the Bass Pro Pyramid and is home to retail store, hotel, restaurant, bar, aquarium, archery range, shooting range, laser arcade, Uncle Buck’s Fishbowl and Grill (bowling alley). In addition, the tallest elevator in America takes visitors to The Lookout at the apex of the building with a captivating view of the city.


  • St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital – Founded in 1962 by entertainer Danny Thomas on the premise that “no child should die in the dawn of life”. This idea resulted from a promise that Thomas had made to a saint years before the hospital was founded. Thomas was a comedian who was struggling to get a break in his career and living paycheck to paycheck. When his first child was about to be born, he attended Mass and put his last $7.00 in the offering bin. He prayed to St. Jude Thaddeus for a means to provide for his family, and about a week later, he obtained a gig that paid 10 times what he had put in the offering bin. After that, Thomas believed in the power of prayer. He promised St. Jude Thaddeus that if the saint made him successful, he would one day build him a shrine. Years later, Thomas became an extremely successful comedian and built St. Jude Children's Research Hospital as a shrine to St. Jude Thaddeus to honor his promise. The hospital costs about $2.8 million a day to run, but there is no cost to a patient for treatment.

  • Trail of Tears National Historic Trail – The phrase “Trail of Tears” originates from a description of the removal of members of the Five Civilized Tribes from their ancestral homelands in southeastern United States. Memphis was an important stop for members of the Choctaw, Chickasaw and Cherokee Indians as they were being relocated to the Indian Territory (Oklahoma).

  • Slave Haven Underground Railroad – Constructed in 1849 by German immigrant, Jacob Burkle, the Burkle Estate is a historic home also known as the Slave Haven. The home is claimed by some to have served as a way station on the Underground Railroad for runaway slaves. In 1997, the home was opened as Slave Haven Museum and serves as part of the overall civil rights heritage of Memphis. The museum documents the history of the Underground Railroad and the possible role of the home in that secret escape network. Slavery, slave trade, slave auctions and the everyday life of slaves in the wider Memphis area are also documented in the museum.


  • Alcenia’s Southern Style Cuisine - A soul-food spot featured on the Food Network and Oprah’s O Magazine known for its preserves, southern style cuisine, and “Ghetto-Aid” (a diabetes-inducing fruit drink).

  • Mason Temple Church of God in Christ Located in Memphis, Tennessee, Mason Temple is the central headquarters of the Church of God in Christ, the largest African American Pentecostal group in the world. On April 3, 1968, thousands filled the sanctuary to hear an address from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. As Dr. King spoke in support of the Memphis sanitation workers’ strike, he called for nonviolent protests in the fight for economic justice. The remarks would become known as the “Mountaintop” speech, as Dr. King told those gathered that he had “been to the mountaintop” and had “seen the Promised Land,” adding the prophetic words, “I might not get there with you.” This speech was Dr. King’s last as he was assassinated the next day, April 4, 1968.


During our driving tour, we made an unscheduled stop at Clayborn Temple. Clayborn Temple is of national significance due to its role in the events of the Sanitation Workers’ Strike of 1968. Throughout the 1960s, Clayborn Temple was the city’s staging ground for the civil rights movement. The Memphis Labor Union had tried for many years to reform Memphis Public Works policies that included discrimination, unfair working conditions, and drastically insufficient wages. The deaths of two sanitation works in February 1968 united the workers, labor unions, religious community, and the black middle class. Soon thereafter, 1,300 sanitation workers went on strike. In March 1968, Dr. Martin Luther King came to Memphis in support of the sanitation workers’ efforts.

The march began with Dr. King and the sanitation workers, who had been marching this same path for weeks, in the front, while youths ran about throughout the march, pressing to get to the front.

After marching only half a mile, the youth's agitation, derived from a rumor that the police had killed a young student earlier that morning, erupted into vandalism, looting, and rioting. The police reacted brutally to the riot, launching against both nonviolent protesters and the youth. The protesters returned to Clayborn Temple, while police surrounded the building. It is reported “the interior of Clayborn looked like the aftermath of a war.” The entire building was filled with many injured and terrified protesters. The police attacked those that tried to leave the church with mace, tear gas, and clubs. At one point, police even entered the church, swinging clubs and shooting tear-gas canisters.

Over 280 people were arrested, 60 injured and one 16 year old boy shot dead by a police officer. Dr. King vowed to return to Memphis to lead a successful peaceful march. Dr. King returned a week later, but was assassinated on April 4, 1968 before the march could take place.

To coincide with the 50th anniversary of Dr. King’s assassination, in April 2018, the city of Memphis unveiled its I Am A Man Plaza next to Clayborn Temple. The plaza features a large sculpture of the “I Am A Man” slogan made famous by the 1968 strike, and a wall with the names of the 1,300 sanitation workers that went on strike.


Beale Street

We were joined on our weekend getaway by family members from Nashville, Tennessee and chose The Westin Beale Street for our accommodations. The Westin was the perfect location and within walking distance of the heart of Beale Street. Beale Street (previously known as Beale Avenue) can best be described as three blocks of nightclubs, restaurants and shops in downtown Memphis. The iconic street is a melting pot of blues, jazz, rock & roll, R&B, and gospel. It is also a significant location in the city’s history, as well as in the history of the blues.

Beale Street is a National Historic Landmark and declared the Home of the Blues by an act of Congress. The best way to enjoy Beale Street is to grab a drink (a Fish Bowl or Walk Me Down, if so inclined) and take a leisurely stroll up and down the blocks. Music and food are the main theme. While there, we enjoyed both. The food at Silky O’Sullivan’s, B.B. King’s Blues Club, and King’s Palace Cafe was great as advertised and expected. I’d recommend you skip Pig On Beale.


We also threw a few bucks in the tip jar for the Beale Street Flippers (such athletes!).

Beale Street Flippers

Beale Street Flippers

As it was also Elvis Week, we enjoyed a multitude of Elvis impersonations in W.C. Handy Park.

Elvis Impersonator on Beale Street during Elvis Week

Beale Street was created in 1841 by Robert Topp. In 1899, Robert Church paid the city to create Church Park at the corner of 4th and Beale and it became a recreational and cultural center, where blues musicians could gather. A major attraction of the park was an auditorium that could seat 2,000 people. Speakers in the Church Park Auditorium included Woodrow Wilson, Booker T. Washington, and Franklin D. Roosevelt.

In 1909, W. C. Handy wrote "Mr. Crump" as a campaign song for political machine leader E.H. Crump. The song was later renamed "The Memphis Blues." Handy also wrote a song called "Beale Street Blues" in 1916 which influenced the change of the street's name from Beale Avenue to Beale Street.

From the 1920s to the 1940s, Louis Armstrong, Muddy Waters, Albert King, Memphis Minnie, B.B. King, Rufus Thomas, Rosco Gordon and other blues and jazz legends played on Beale Street and helped develop the style known as Memphis Blues. As a young man, B. B. King was billed as "the Beale Street Blues Boy."

Beale Street was also home to Tennessee’s oldest surviving African American Church built in 1864. Beale Street Baptist Church was an important location in the early Civil Rights Movement in Memphis.


The Four Way

I know when most people think of Memphis, two things immediately come to mind: music and barbeque. But out of all the many places we ate while in Memphis, my hands-down favorite was a soul food restaurant known as “The Four Way”.

To be honest, the service was not always friendly, welcoming, or efficient, but the food will make up for it.

Located in Soulsville, The Four Way is hallowed ground. As a restaurant frequented by both black and white diners from the time it opened, it was an island of unity in a mid-century Southern city. It not only served civil rights leaders and activists, but politicians and entertainers; Elvis Presley took meals there. And of course, it was where Dr. King ate when he was in town.


National Civil Rights Museum at The Lorraine Motel

The museum is built around the former Lorraine Motel, which was the site of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on April 4, 1968. 


The museum traces the history of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States from the time the first slave ship landed in the colonies to the present.


Walter Bailey purchased the hotel in 1945 and renamed it for his wife Loree and the song "Sweet Lorraine". The Lorraine Motel was an upscale motel that catered to black clientele. The motel had many famous guests through the 1960s, including Ray Charles and Aretha Franklin.

Our introduction to the museum was an education on the history of slavery in the United States in the 16th and 17th centuries along with a graphic representation of the global impact of slavery. From there, we were immersed in a chronological timeline of what it means to be African American in the United States - - including a rendering of the U.S. Supreme Court room where oral argument was heard in the seminal Brown v Board of Education case (1954); a replica of the bus Rosa Parks rode in Montgomery, Alabama (1956); a reproduction of the student sit-ins occurring at the Woolworth's lunch counter in Greensboro, North Carolina (1960); the remnants of a burned bus from an attack on Freedom Riders in Anniston, Alabama (1961); replica of Dr. King’s Birmingham jail cell and audio of portion of his Letter from a Birmingham Jail (1963); March on Washington murals/figures and audio of portion of his I Have A Dream speech (1963); Edmund Pettus Bridge replica and film on Bloody Sunday in Selma, Alabama (1965); Black Power Movement exhibit (1960s – 1970s); I Am A Man exhibit illustrating the iconic Memphis Sanitation Strike (1968); and Dr. King’s powerful “Mountaintop” speech; and Room 306 and 307 where Dr. King was staying when he was assassinated (1968).


Martin Luther King, Jr., was shot at approximately 6:01 p.m. on April 4, 1968.

Following the assassination of Dr. King, Mr. Bailey withdrew Room 306 (where King died) and the adjoining room 307 from use, maintaining them as a memorial to the civil rights leader. Bailey's wife, Loree, suffered a stroke hours after the assassination and died five days later.


The museum opened to the public in September 1991. A thorough undertaken and enjoyment of the museum is easily a three hour plus tour. Our visit to the National Civil Rights Museum was surreal; I vacillated between anger and grief.


As it was Elvis Week (the anniversary of the death of Elvis Presley), it was only right that we paid a visit to the home of the “King of Rock and Roll”.

Graceland is a 13 acre estate mansion once owned by Elvis Presley. The home was inherited by his daughter, Lisa Marie Presley when she turned 25.

Graceland was opened as a museum in June 1982 and was declared a National Historic Landmark in March 2006. After the White House, Graceland is the second most-visited house in the United States.


The mansion was named after “Grace” Toof, the daughter of the original owner, Stephen C. Toof. Elvis purchased Graceland in 1957 for $102,500.

On August 16, 1977, Elvis died in the bathroom at Graceland allegedly of a heart attack. Elvis’ tombstone along with that of his parents (Gladys and Vernon), his grandmother (Minnie Mae), and memorial gravestone for his stillborn twin brother (Jesse) are located on the property in the Meditation Garden next to the mansion.

Graceland has a total of 23 rooms. During the tour, we wore headphones which narrate (John Stamos was my narrator) the events of Elvis’s life and introduce the relics, rooms, and all aspects of Elvis’s life.

Our tour of the property began with the entrance hall and the living room and adjoining music room to the right of the entrance hall.


To the left of the entrance hall is the dining room and connecting kitchen.


One of the most talked about rooms in the house is the jungle room. The room has an indoor waterfall of stone on the north wall. It was also the location where Elvis recorded the bulk of his final two albums.


We next toured the basement level of the home. The TV and billiards room are in the basement of the home.


The second floor of the home is closed to the public and remains untouched since the day Elvis died and is rarely seen by non-family members.

We moved to the wing added during a 1960s expansion which is now known as the Trophy Building. The Trophy Building contains personal Presley family memorabilia including the wedding attire worn by Priscilla and Elvis, Lisa Marie’s baby items, and Elvis’ high school diploma.


We next toured the racquetball court area. Within the area is a sunken sitting room with a piano where Elvis played what were to be his last two songs.


Next to the racquetball court area is a Meditation Garden used by Elvis to reflect on problems and situations that arose in his life. Today, it is now his final resting place.


After Elvis’ death in 1977, Vernon Presley served as executor of his estate. Upon Vernon’s death in 1979, he chose Priscilla to serve as the estate executor for Elvis’ only child, Lisa Marie (who was only 11). Graceland cost $500,000 a year in upkeep, and expenses had dwindled Lisa Marie's inheritance to only $1 million. Taxes were due on the property; those and other expenses due came to over $500,000.

Faced with having to sell Graceland, Priscilla decided to turn Graceland into a moneymaker. The gamble paid off; after only a month of opening Graceland's doors the estate made back all the money it had invested. Priscilla Presley became the chairwoman and president of Elvis Presley Enterprises (EPE), stating at that time she would do so until Lisa Marie reached 21 years of age. EPE’s fortunes soared and eventually the trust grew to be worth over $100 million.

An annual procession through the estate and past Elvis' grave is held on the anniversary of his death. Known as Elvis Week, it includes a full schedule of speakers and events.

The grounds of Graceland not only include the mansion, it also includes Elvis Presley’s Memphis, a car museum, (Presley Motors), studio for Sirius Satellite Radio’s all-Elvis Channel, and Elvis’ two planes Lisa Marie and Hound Dog II.


In August 2005, Lisa Marie sold 85% of the business side of Elvis’ estate. She retained 100% sole personal ownership of Graceland mansion itself and its over 13-acre original grounds and her father's personal effects - meaning costumes, wardrobe, awards, furniture, cars, etc.


Memphis was memorable and it's remarkably appropriate that it was named after the ancient capital of Egypt which meaning translates to "Established and Beautiful". The city is rich in history and culture, so glad we were able to experience all facets of its beauty.

Make sure you are following our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages to catch glimpses into what we will be exploring next.

#VacationAwaits #MakeItAScenicEscape

No Passport Needed

In celebration of our nation’s independence, Scenic Escapes Travel spent a relaxing Independence Day holiday in Scottsdale, Arizona at Omni Montelucia Scottsdale Resort & Spa. We also took a day trip to tour the Grand Canyon. The resort was impressive and the Grand Canyon was breathtaking.

Omni Montelucia is nestled at the base of the Camelback Mountain in Scottdale, Arizona. The exclusive and romantic destination allows you to leave your passport at home and enjoy the joy and wonder of the American desert.

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The resort has a casual atmosphere eatery with indoor/outdoor dining spaces known as Taqueria Centro. Centro is known for its authentic Mexican cuisine using ingredients supplied by farms across Arizona. We arrived early at the resort prior to check-in time and enjoyed lunch and cold beverages at Centro while we waited for our room.

Crave Café is a gourmet food market with great on-the-go options and travel essentials. We had an early morning pick-up time for our Grand Canyon tour. Crave provided great breakfast and travel-friendly snack options for our trip

The food at the resort restaurant Prado was phenomenal. We originally had plans to leave the resort for dinner, but because the ambience was amazing and the food was so appetizing, we ate multiple meals (breakfast and dinner) at or from Prado.

The Mbar lounge area next to Prado was a cozy relaxing area for happy hour or after dinner drinks. Mbar also serves a selection of Andalusian-inspired tapas with live music from local artists.



We were provided accommodations in a poolside suite with Andalusian themed décor.

The suite was ample with a furnished balcony overlooking the pool, sitting area, minibar, Keurig machine and spacious bathroom.

The bathroom was equipped with marble sinks with plenty of cabinet space, jacuzzi tub, and shower with dual shower heads.

We are not normally the room service type of person, but the accommodations were so relaxing that we enjoyed room service multiple times.


My favorite part of the resort was the Joya Scottsdale Spa and Wellness. Joya Spa is a two-story structure located in the heart of the grounds. The spa boasts 20 soothing treatment rooms, a hair and nail salon, a boutique, two relaxation lounges, a rooftop spa pool, and access to the resort pool complete with cabanas and healthy Moroccan-inspired poolside treats.

In addition to Joya’s unbelievable facility, the spa offers a unique Hammam ritualistic experience with the Joy of Discovery designed to prepare guests for their spa treatment and include a Moroccan scrub stone, crystal ball pedestal lit by an overhead representation of the starlight in Granada, Spain and a hot steam followed by a balancing cold deluge just to name a few.

It was easily the best spa experience I ever had. I hope to make a return visit soon. If traveling to Omni Scottsdale Resort & Spa at Montelucia, I highly recommend a day at Joya Spa.

Joya Spa3.jpg

On this trip, Donald finally was able to experience the Grand Canyon. Our journey began with a.m. early morning pickup from our resort. Our tour consisted of a small group of 13 participants allowing for a more intimate experience of the natural beauty in Arizona. Our expert guide handled all the driving (by custom, luxury, air-conditioned van) and logistics leaving us free to soak in the incredible scenery and relax on our drive through the Sonora Desert, en route to some of the American Southwest’s most beautiful highlights.

Our drive brought us through the expansive Sonoran Desert filled with native saguaro cactus. The scenery began to change as we increased in elevation and views of the cactus began to fade into pine trees. As we continued further into Northern Arizona, travelling the outskirts of the Route 66 town of Flagstaff, from the highway we could see the San Francisco Peaks among the seemingly endless Ponderosa Pine Forest, one of the largest contiguous forests of ponderosa pines in the world.

Williams, Arizona was our first stop along the tour. Williams on the routes of Interstate 40 and Route 66, the iconic American highway steeped in rich tradition. Known as the "Gateway to the Grand Canyon", Williams was the last city on historic Route 66 to be bypassed by Interstate 40. The community, bypassed on October 13, 1984, continues to thrive on tourism

The Historic Downtown District covers six square blocks and boasts a rich heritage that features the Old West and Route 66, coupled with tourism trends today and the city's heyday years of the '50s and '60s.


Once we reached the Grand Canyon National Park, we explored one of the “Seven Wonders of the World” for about three hours.

First protected in 1893, the Grand Canyon was proclaimed a national park in 1919. The main cause of the erosion that formed the Grand Canyon was water; most scientists agree that it formed when the Colorado River started carving through layers of volcanic rock and sediment between five million and six million years ago.

The first human artifacts found in Grand Canyon National Park date back 12,000 years, though the Colorado River started carving the Grand Canyon long before that.

To date, the Grand Canyon is 277 miles long, 18 miles wide and a mile deep. The South Rim is open year-round, the North Rim is open seasonally; we toured the South Rim.

While at the Grand Canyon National Park, we enjoyed multiple lookout viewpoints including Mather Point and toured the Lookout Studio, the Kolb Studio, the Bright Angel Lodge, Desert View Watchtower, Buckey O’Neill Cabin, the Bright Angel Trail, and El Tovar Hotel.

When visiting the Grand Canyon, plan a few days to visit all the areas of interest in Grand Canyon Village, multiple scenic lookout points, and have time to shop, go for a walk, grab lunch and visit cultural exhibits along the rim.

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Arizona is a wonderful destination where you can spend a well-deserved vacation, no passport needed.

Allow yourself to play and enjoy the little yet exquisite moments that make life worth living. Contact Scenic Escapes Travel for your travel needs.

#VacationAwaits #MakeItAScenicEscape

Unforgettable Experiences in the Riviera Maya

I am traveling to Riviera Maya in Mexico this week. If you happen to be traveling there soon and are unsure of how to spend your time there, you have many options.

While you can stay cooped up in a resort during your whole visit, that is no way to create an unforgettable experience. Resorts may be entertaining at first, but they are nothing compared to the wonders and natural beauty found off resort property.

So, to help you make the most out of your trip to the Riviera Maya, here is a list of some locations that’ll undoubtedly create memories you'll cherish for many years to come.


The Underwater Museum

Buried beneath the waves in the Riviera Maya is a collection of over 400 life-like statues. This sunken museum can be best viewed through a scuba mask, and is certainly a view you won’t forget. These sculptures act like a human-made reef, which was initially created by a group of artists who hoped to inspire the protection of the local sea-life. Whether you’ve never put on a scuba mask, or are something of an expert, anyone can dive down to this spectacular and unforgettable sight.

Visit the Mayan Underworld

While this may seem unsettling at first, the vast network of caves near Rio Secreto is a sight to behold. The caves are carved by a complex system of underground rivers, which wind through the bedrock for miles. Keep in mind, this adventure is not for the faint of heart, as it includes plenty of tight spaces, hiking, and time spent in places that are cold, dark and wet. Although, if you’re up to the challenge, you’ll be rewarded with a memorable sight of a beautifully submerged world far and away from anything you could have ever imagined.


Explore the Mayan Ruins of Coba

If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to be in an archeological site before a dig, the ancient Mayan city of Coba may be the next best thing. Coba is an overgrown ancient ruin, located near four natural lakes. Jungle and Mayan architecture are contrasted side by side creating a sight that can’t be found at other ancient Mayan cities like Tulum and Chichen Itza. Visitors can even snorkel in the turquoise-tinted waters of the four natural lakes and be blown away by the abundance of life nestled below.


Creating Your Own Unforgettable Experience

There are plenty of wondrous sights to be had in The Riviera Maya, all you have to do is be willing to look for them. While you can stay on the beaten path of your resort, you can create your own unforgettable experience by taking a chance and exploring all the gorgeous natural landscape the Riviera Maya has to offer.

We’d love to help you plan your trip. Contact us at or 405-889-8980.
#VacationAwaits #MakeItAScenicEscape #ScenicEscapesTravel #TravelAgent #Mexico #RivieraMaya

Six Items You Should Not Eat on a Cruise or Resort Buffet!

Vacationing is synonymous with overindulgence: relaxing, gambling, shopping, eating, and drinking.  Buffets are the mother lode for everything and feature lots of cuisine options.  But with all the options, which should be avoided?

1.     Sushi

Although cruise lines and resorts take food handling extremely seriously, nothing is foolproof.  If you’re feeling lucky, take it to the casino; don’t gamble with the freshness of that spicy tuna roll.  If there’s sushi on the buffet and you don’t know how long it’s been there, consider giving it a pass for something you can see being made right in front of you.

2.     Soft Serve Ice Cream 

If you are like most people (including kids), you use your dominant hand to work the lever on the soft-serve machine - - a lever that sees a lot of other hands, both clean and otherwise - - before switching the cone to the same hand that just touched said lever.  Avoid the ick factor by using a napkin or switching to a bowl instead of a cone. 

3.     Scrambled Eggs

The vat of scrambled eggs you see on the buffet at breakfast each morning is likely powdered, and powdered eggs can often be wet and/or squishy.  Opt instead for a trip to the made-to-order egg and omelet station.  

4.    Old Pizza

If the pizza has that congealed-cheese look, it’s probably been sitting out for a while, particularly if it’s a non-peak dining time.  Don’t feel bad about asking for a new pizza.  

5.    Condiments.

Giant bottles of shared ketchup, mustard and other condiments can breed germs since so many people touch them.  Ask for single-serve packets or use a napkin to dispense what you need.

6.     Compromised Food

If you notice the person in front of you touching food and putting it back, realize that someone has contaminated a vegetable-only dish by using utensils meant for meat, or see that tongs have fallen completely into the food - - handle and all, avoid taking any of the potentially contaminated dishes until they’ve been replaced with fresh items.

On vacation, a buffet sounds like a great idea.  But the typical buffet perfectly exemplifies the maxim that just because you can doesn’t mean that you should.  You can find all kinds of food at the typical buffet.  But hiding among the gems – or at least the dishes that are passable – are a few things you should never eat at a buffet.

Vacationing in Nassau, Bahamas


The official start of summer has come and gone.  Scenic Escapes Travel spent the Memorial Day holiday in Nassau, Bahamas at Riu Palace Paradise Island. The resort underwent a much-needed renovation about two years ago. Overall, the resort did not disappoint.


We were provided accommodations in the penthouse sea view suite and even Mr. Brown was impressed with the suite and view from the balcony/terrace.  

The suite was spacious and well equipped with a minibar, liquor dispenser, air conditioning and coffee machines.  The sitting area was a great addition.  The television was on a swivel thus, Mr. Brown was able to enjoy the TV from the sitting area while I napped.

The bathroom was equipped with double sinks and two showers both with dual shower heads; one shower also had a full-size bathtub attached.

The only downside to being on the penthouse floor - - if being on the penthouse floor can have a downside - - the elevator.  Only one elevator served the penthouse floor but was usable and accessible to all other floors as well.  It would have been better if the one elevator that serviced the penthouse floor was a direct and private elevator. #FirstWorldProblems

The specialty restaurants at Riu Hotels are included in the all-inclusive costs.  But, Riu does not take reservations for its specialty themed restaurants.  I was looking forward to eating at Kulinarium, the newest addition to Riu’s restaurant offerings.  Gourmet Kulinarium is a concept based on the fusion of modern and Caribbean cuisine, using mainly local products.  And, boy did it not disappoint!  I enjoyed the grouper filet while Mr. Brown enjoyed the Nassau Surf and Turf offering (lamb, chicken, and lobster).  I have eaten at every restaurant offered by Riu and hands-down, Kulinarium is the best.

My favorite part of the resort was the resort staff.  We arrive early and our room was not yet ready.  Even though we were able to have full use of the resort facilities while our room was prepared, I was hesitant to leave my luggage and personal items unsecured.  Demond, the porter, went out of his way to make me confident that he would secure my luggage.  Bartenders, Kellen and Donny, concocted tasty vodka cocktails without added sugary and syrupy additives in deference to my keto needs and never once questioned it. Our housekeeper, Sharleen, maintained our suite without re-arranging all of my toiletries and personal items which I had strategically placed around the suite.  She seemed to appear and re-appear like a ghost, moving and working in silence.  The resort staff was experienced and focused on making our stay one to remember.


Conch Salad Cooking Lesson and Tasting

While in Nassau, we embarked on two excursions.  The first tour was promoted as a Conch Salad Cooking Lesson and Tasting tour operated by Bahamian Hospitality.

We were expecting to visit a local-approved conch stand on the bay and learn how to prepare authentic Bahamian conch salad from start to finish. 

We also expected to see how to remove the conch from its shell, score and slice it, and add other ingredients such as peppers, cucumber, lime, and tomato to make the fresh and spicy dish conch salad, and then taste some for ourselves.

Slim, our driver, transported us to and from the resort. Slim was very entertaining and knowledgeable about the Bahamian islands and its culture and heritage.  Although we made the most of the experience, the tour was not as expected or advertised.  


Bites of Nassau Tasting and Cultural Walking Tour

Our second excursion was everything we wanted and more.  

For three hours, we explored Bahamian cuisine and culture on this food and walking tour in Nassau’s historic neighborhood.

We enjoyed tasty food from six venues – including family-owned restaurants and specialty shops; sipped on handcrafted rum cocktails while nibbling on classic conch fritters and Bahamian mac ‘n’ cheese. The food quantities were equivalent to a hearty lunch.

Beyond the bites, we also experienced the rich culture and architecture Nassau had to offer. It was a small-group tour of about 13 people which ensured a personalized experience.


  • Stop at six Bahamian food venues – plenty of tastings for a full lunch;

  • Tastings ranging from classic conch fritters to locally sourced artisan jams;

  • Travel off the beaten path to discover hidden culinary and architectural gems with a local guide;

  • Small-group tour ensures personal attention from your guide;

  • Enjoy exclusive privileges from tasting locations including in-store coupons, recipes, and behind the scenes access to local chefs and restaurateurs; and

  • Excellent photo opportunities at major historical sites and downtown landmarks



Paradise Island is a wonderful destination where you can spend a well-deserved vacation.  You will certainly enjoy the beaches, Nassau, and other tourist attractions. I look forward too many more visits.

Allow yourself to play and enjoy the little yet exquisite moments that make life worth living.  Contact Scenic Escapes Travel for your vacation needs. #VacationAwaits #MakeItAScenicEscape
